The Month of Gratitude

November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. It is probably my favorite holiday because it centers on sharing great food with the people you love and reflect on all the goodness in your life. I do not like to use the word blessing because it can sometime imply that one person has been blessed while others have not. We are all blessed; instead, I prefer to use the term grateful. Every single one of us can always think of something to be grateful for.

Last week I launched THCountzWrites. I made the point to have no expectations, only to launch it. I did not even look to see how many visited the site or followed along on social media. We all have busy lives, I know an audience will grow in time. You must begin somewhere, and starting from ground zero is where that happens. While analytics love numbers, the whole point of embarking on this journey is to build a group of readers who want to stay around for the long haul. So for each of you who have had the time to view the site, read the first blog and story, I thank you. I am truly grateful for your time and support. For those who have commented or reached out to me personally, my heart is full.

Please share with a friend, and be sure to check in on Friday for the next short story. I am busy working out the details for that now. Until then, I wish you peace. love, and good reads!

Write-fully yours,

TH Countz

3 thoughts on “The Month of Gratitude”

  1. I too love Thanksgiving. When, I moved to Smallville, I identified Thanksgiving & Easter as my two favorite holidays & elected to travel for those.
    Currently, I just donated some crochet items to three organizations as a selfish fulfillment of gratitude for a skill that allows me to be busy.

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