Welcome to THCountzWrites!

Fall has finally arrived in the south.  Your geographic location will determine the amount of colorful change you will witness.  In my particular area of the south, the colors are not as prominent as other states, but you can see hues of gold, red and orange sprinkled through the always greenful pines.

For the past twelve years I have focused my creative energy on Moon Diva Art.  I have had the privilege of helping many authors realize their dream of seeing their name on a book.  My illustrations have reached many young eyes. I even branched out and began to format fiction and nonfiction for adult readers.  It has been a wonderful adventure, and I am ever grateful for all the many who have supported, purchased, and acknowledged my efforts.  

Art will always be something that is part of my creative journey, as will music, but now is the season for me to focus on the first creative thing I ever remember doing – writing.  I will continue illustration work, but my attention will be on writing, building an audience, and sharing my work with as many people as I can reach.

Previously, I shared posts through Swinging On the Moon.  Going forward, each Monday you will find those posted here.  In addition, each Friday I will share The Story of the Week. I hope you will subscribe to get a friendly notice in your inbox that a little story is waiting for your eyes just in time for the weekend. 

Just a little note about the first story, “High Society Wedding and a Pig in the Blanket.”  I have been writing short stories for many years.  They have been quietly sitting inside my computer waiting for their debut.  Some are humorous, others a bit more thoughtful, but one thing they all have is a kernel of truth.  I will let you try to figure out the truth in this first story.  I hope you enjoy a laugh or two as you read. Please feel free to comment.  I love knowing what people think.

As I have been putting this website together over the past month, it has felt a bit like starting over.  I reminded myself that life is a constant starting over.  Starting a new week.  Starting a new job.  Starting a new relationship.  That is how we grow and expand as humans.  New experiences, new seasons.  I hope that in this new season I have created for myself, you will want to tag along.  I can promise you only one thing.  It will never be boring!

All my love,


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