Tea Parties and Last Suppers

Moon Diva Art image for THCountzWrites Tuesday Blog.

~ Life is like a cup of tea; to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends." ~

Tea parties and last suppers. That’s on my mind today.

Another week, and a very important one for all Christians. Sunday began the procession of Holy Week with Palm Sunday. Holy week is the culmination of the last forty days of Lent that leads up to Easter Sunday.

For Palm Sunday afternoon, I and a dear friend cohosted an afternoon tea for another friend having a birthday today. She loves tea and all the edibles that go along with it, so we made sure she had a plethora of goodies to nibble with her tea.

The table was exquisite, and our mood was happy and celebratory. As I looked at the sweet faces of my friends, I could not help but think about how the disciples might have felt that last meal they shared with Christ.

There is a dear friend who means so much to you, yet you know their presence is only for a time. None of us know how long, but we make sure we take pictures to mark the occasion. We hug. We convey our love for one another. It’s a special time.

Obviously, the disciples did not have the convenience of modern technology. They had to imprint their time with Jesus to their own personal memory bank. Did they understand the importance of the moment?

As an adult, one of the most moving services of the church calendar is Maundy Thursday. Through the actions of removing all vestiges of ceremony – the linens, art, communion pieces, etc. leaving the altar completely bare and dark; it is a powerful symbol of how Christ ended his physical presence. Naked and alone on a cross.

If you have access to a Maundy Thursday service, be sure to check it out. I was an adult before I attended one. It forever changed my perception of the Easter experience. After all, you cannot appreciate resurrection until you experience the death.

My husband has the honor of leading an Easter service this coming Sunday as a guest speaker. A dear friend asked him to lead the service at a very small congregation. It will be a special moment as I listen to him share the resurrection story.

Whether you are a Christian or not, I encourage you to live in the moment. Enjoy the people in your life. Take time to savor moments shared. Be sure you tell them what they mean to you.

Then share a nice cup of tea.

4 thoughts on “Tea Parties and Last Suppers”

  1. Awesome how you segued from a phenomenal High Tea and gathering of friends to the Agape of Jesus,. You are so very gifted!

  2. Just beautiful sentiments! Tis Spring, and you are right about embracing it all as it comes, every day. Our friends are our jewels in life, let us be forever grateful to continue to make memories as long as we can, and to share, share share. Thank you!!

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