Easter Ain’t Over

Moon Diva Art - rebirth for THCountzWrites Tuesday blog.

~ "Every day is a renewal, every morning the daily miracle." ~ Gertrude Stein

Easter ain’t over. Did you know that?

My wonderful husband had the honor of sharing the Easter story this past Sunday morning. I hope he will forgive me as I piggy-back on his message.

A dear friend invited him to speak at a very small Methodist congregation in Bassfield, MS. L.L. Roberts Methodist UMC has been in Bassfield since 1904. 

As I looked around, the glorious stained glass and the old wooden beams spoke of a long history. It was the perfect setting to hear the resurrection story.  

As my sweetheart husband is prone to do, the words he spoke were not just for Christians, but all people. How Christ-like of him! 

We hear the word resurrection and immediately our thoughts go to Jesus Christ. But did you also know there is another meaning? It also means renewal of life

Caston mentioned how easy it is to focus on resurrection during Holy Week, and then put it away until next Easter. We do the same thing with Christmas. We quickly pack up all the Christmas and/or Easter decorations for next time.

The main point of his message was that we are gifted with the ability to experience resurrection all the time. Huh? 

I have experienced a “renewal of life” countless times in my fifty-eight years. Each time I hear the doctor say, “All looks great, come back in a year.” OR my favorite, “You are cancer-free.” 

And then there are the times that I see a loved one and they hug my neck and tell me how much they love me or have missed me. 

Each time I break bread or drink another cup of coffee with friends or family, I am renewed.

Every time I read another great book.

Each time I hear a song I love.

See flowers blooming and feel the sun on my face.

Feel the love of my precious Wiggles as he licks my cheek – again!

Caston takes my hand before he falls asleep.

Are you beginning to get the idea? 

Let me take it a step farther –

We celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas, and then we celebrate His resurrection from death at Easter. Birth and renewal of life.

Isn’t that the entire point of Jesus? The holy texts call it salvation. An easier definition is the knowledge of the birth and renewing of love. Love never ends, love never leaves us, and love is always ready for us to tap into its power at any time.

We can experience resurrection daily. Christ showed us the way through his birth and death. All we need to do is experience it. 

The key is to remind ourselves each day that resurrection is waiting for us to experience. It is also waiting for us to show it to one another. Read that last sentence one more time.

So, no – Easter ain’t over. 

Now I think I will allow some of that leftover banana pudding to renew my spirit.

And all God’s children said, amen!

5 thoughts on “Easter Ain’t Over”

  1. With each resurrection we have the opportunity to allow the pain of the past to be left behind, to embrace the beauty of the present moment.

  2. Beautiful message that Caston and you have shared, dear Tracey! The message of renewal is one we all can embrace each and everyday:)! It is important NOT to box up Christmas and Easter as each day presents an opportunity to embrace the message. Thanks for your delightful insight!!

  3. No Easter ain’t over and ain’t we lucky that it is not. Yes, entering the country church you were immediately transformed into an ethereal experience. The artifacts of the structure as well as the stained glass windows and the loving discipleship mood of all the folk in attendance. Music enhanced the experience and Caston’s message gave a message that strengthened the soul towards remaining aligned with the Trinity.

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