Saving Grace

Photo art for Tuesday blog . Art by Moon Diva Art.

"Grace is the face love wears when it meets imperfection." ~Author Unknown

Do you remember the TNT show, “Saving Grace” that starred Holly Hunter? It aired for three seasons from 2007 to 2010, and I was a faithful watcher. There was always a message to take away.

I’ve been thinking often about grace in the past week. As you know, (if you are following along), I have spent May and now June working on my first novel entitled, The Red Chair. My plan was to have the first draft completed by the end of May. That has not happened.

I did not factor in life happening to my plans. Admittedly, I tend to do this – I seem to set extremely ambitious standards for myself in all things I do. Then, if I fail to measure up to my own standards, I beat myself up. Anyone else do this?

A dear cousin and friend reminded me in a recent phone call that I needed to extend myself a little grace. What I am doing is not something that happens quickly. I am writing about people and their lives. It takes time and contemplation to weave a cohesive story that will capture and hold a reader’s attention. I like to say I give myself grace, but with further thought I know that I do not.

On the other hand, I extend grace to those around me all the time. In another call, a dear friend that has gone through several major life changes had gotten a new cell number. She realized she had transposed one of the numbers when sharing the new number. She was vocally upset with herself. I heard self-criticism in her tone and reminded her to extend some grace given all she has gone through. 

After we ended our call, I smiled to myself acknowledging I was guilty of the same thing. In my mind, I should have that first draft written, not halfway written. No one has given me a deadline – I gave me a deadline. 

My goal this week is to keep writing as I am able and extend myself grace when needed. It’s also a great reminder of the grace God provides. We are flawed, and He is quite aware of our short-comings but offers each of us grace each day, minute-by-minute. If the God of the universe can provide grace in abundance, why cannot we do the same for ourselves and one another?

I challenge you to a week of grace. Is there something you are blaming yourself for? Is there someone with whom you’ve been angry? Extend a little grace where needed. It’s okay. Really.

3 thoughts on “Saving Grace”

  1. Your openness is kind, refreshing and impressive. Grace often flies in the face of goal setting and thus dissatisfaction with self. Ouch.

  2. Thanks, dear Tracey for the reminder about showering ourselves with Grace! I feel it is easier to do that for others than for ourselves. May you know that goals are a focus we set which often requires a smooth path. The older I get the more I realize that many paths are filled with twists and turns!! May you continue to Bless all who know you with your words of wisdom:)!!

  3. Thank you for this reminder. You have always shown grace to everyone you come in contact with. Hopefully, they see Jesus or will be drawn to you and want what you have? Can’t wait to purchase your first novel! Love you!

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