Happy Memorial Day!

Photo of Alton Hudson

Petty Officer, Alton Hudson, BM2c, my uncle who gave his life at Normandy.

Happy Memorial Day to all! I hope you have been enjoying the start to summer, and I cannot believe it is almost June!

For the entire month of May I have been busy working on The Red Chair, my upcoming novel. I wish I could say I am farther along than I am, but life dictates, as we all know. I will say I hit the 40,000-word mark yesterday. This means I am about halfway through the story.

It is a beautiful process in creating characters. As a writer, you breathe life into them and the next thing you know, they become real people in your head and heart. You start thinking of things like, how will this person respond to this situation? What emotions do they exhibit? Would this character respond in this way or that? There are times when I must step away from my keyboard and take a walk outside or run an errand. So many voices, including my own talking in my head. It’s exhausting and exciting all at the same time.

While I had hoped to have the first draft finished in May, I realized that my goals were lofty. I could not have prepared for an unexpected dental surgery the first week of May that took the wind out of my sails. Life happening. 

So, what that means for Tuesday Blogs and Story of the Week is that I will resume the blog, but SOTW will take another month off. I originally started this website to build a readership culminating in the publishing of The Red Chair. I love writing the weekly shorts, but right now, my priority is drafting the book.

I hope you have a lovely Memorial Day. We honor the men and women who served our country during wartimes, and/or anytime. For those who gave their life, we can never extend enough thanks. For those who are serving, we salute you.

See you next Tuesday!

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