Tinsel and Nutcrackers

The 2022 holiday season is well underway with Christmas only a little over two weeks away.  Do you have your tree up yet?  I am late this year, but plan on having ours up this week sometime.

I hope you have made time to read Friday’s short story, “Christmas and Tchaikovsky – Part 1.”  I started writing this at 3 a.m. one morning this past week and quickly realized it was far too long, so I decided to split it into sections.  Part 2 will be posted this Friday.  Do you think Chance Ford has the eye for Libby?

I lived in Nashville for twenty-six years.  I am fortunate to have seen Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) twice in my time as a resident.  It was everything you’d hope a ballet would be.  Magical, colorful, wonderful orchestra, and costumes.  If you ever have the chance to see a performance, do so.

I have many friends who collect nutcrackers.  My friend Cindy, has MANY and she painstakingly unpacks them all and makes a grand display each year.  What kind of Christmas trinkets do you collect?

Caston and I have a tradition of buying a new ornament every year that represents something special that happened within the year.  He recently found a handmade ornament from an estate sale of a choir mouse.  I am getting ready to publish my second children’s book in the Pearl series: Miss Sippy, the Church Mouse.  The minute he found the ornament, we both agreed it was Miss Sippy!  

As you rush around trying to get all the holiday stuff accomplished, remember to stop and breathe.  Grab a cup of coffee or tea and take a read.  Hopefully, here!

Until next week!


2022 Christmas Ornament - Handmade, Miss Sippy, the Church Mouse

3 thoughts on “Tinsel and Nutcrackers”

  1. Can’t count how many times or variations of the Nutcracker I’ve yet the beauty and magic of the story, music and dancing always is a transportation to nirvana.

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