The Garden of Organic Words

Organic garden photo for blog.
Organic is always better.

When you allow your creativity to flow from an organic place, wonderful things happen!

A garden of organic words.  What exactly do I mean by that statement?

For starters, I cannot tell you how many times people will ask how I come up with the stories I write, or the art I create. I’d like to answer you precisely but honestly, I cannot give you a complete answer.

What I have learned in exploring creativity over the past fifteen or so years, is that if you allow your imagination to wander, something magical can happen.

Most of the time I have an idea of a story or blog, but there are times I have absolutely no clue when I sit down to begin. I just start typing and suddenly something forms on the page. 

My current short, Secret Sins is a great example. I had the kernel of an idea on how secrets can be a stumbling block to our inner peace and relationships. I fully intended to write the conclusion for this coming Friday, January 20th, but as I wrote, I realized I would be doing all the characters (and you) a grave injustice.  The characters have taken life in my imagination, and I know that I must allow them to finish their story in their time, not mine.  The ending is fully written, but there will be a part three, with part four being the conclusion.  

I guess this leads me up to a great question for you.  Do you enjoy reading a mini series, or would you prefer to read once?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments, or post on any of the social media platforms in the comments.  

Obviously, I am not one of the world’s great writers (yet), and I do not have a ton of writing tips at this point, but recognize that when I allow my spirit to quieten and still sit, words  come forward very organically.  The times I try to force a story that I have written fully in my head, it goes flat.  The same applies with an illustration.  I end up deleting it and starting over. 

This is true in any creative endeavor, wouldn’t you agree?  The best recipes are accidents. The greatest songs or pieces of music started with one random chord. The best art began with a single stroke of paint. 

I will always encourage you to find your own creativity. Take whatever small seed of an idea you have, quieten your mind, and watch your organic garden sprout.

Coming this Friday, Part 3 of Secret Sins!

1 thought on “The Garden of Organic Words”

  1. I feel like you should write whichever way you think is best! I can read it either way! Keep it up!

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