Thank You For Being A Friend

Photo courtesy of Getty Images for THCountzWrites Tuesday blog.

"Find your tribe. Love them hard." ~ Unknown

Over the weekend a childhood friend contacted me to share some news. We had not spoken in several years, but within thirty seconds, it was like no time had passed.

Suddenly, we were back in my childhood bedroom listening to Donna Summer or Olivia Newton John (for the umpteenth time), talking about our boyfriends.

We are almost sixty year old women with grandchildren. How did that happen?

It got me thinking about how lucky I have always been when it comes to having friends. I had two “best friends” growing up and countless close girlfriends since. Looking through the eyes of an adult, they are all best friends.

Let’s define what makes a best friend:

1. Someone you share your secrets. Mostly because they probably witnessed them or participated.
2. They are the first person you text or call when something happens – good or bad.
3. You can ask “does this make me look fat” and get a straight answer.
4. Holds your hand when you bury a loved one.
5. Has your back when someone talks ugly about you.
6. Knows when you’re depressed and need coffee and a sweet treat.
7. Knows exactly what to get you for your birthday or Christmas.
8. Prays for you every single day.
9. Your biggest fan in any crazy endeavor.
10. Sits with you in the hospital.
11. Loves you as you are.
12. Forgives you immediately when you’ve been a bitch.

I’m not sure why I have been so lucky, but I thank God every single day for my friends. Some are scattered around the country, and others live down the street. (You know who you are!)

I try often to tell them how much they mean to me, and how their constant love and friendship enrich my life. Do you have “best friends”? When was the last time you told them how much they mean to you?

Do you lack friends? Why? Do you seek friends out? If you find yourself with few friends, I encourage you to figure out what hinders you.

Ladies, thank you for being a friend. Thank you for loving me during the times I am not very lovable. Thank you for forgiving me when I hurt your feelings. Thank you for being my best friends.

Part 2 of Sleepover at the Church of Christ coming Friday, March 15!

4 thoughts on “Thank You For Being A Friend”

  1. Under my yearbook photo were the words “To have a friend you must be one.”
    So true. I’m thankful for all of my friends. Love you BIG!

  2. Well said. By not hiding beneath the cloak of intellectualism you successfully brought home the essence of Women Who Run With Wolves, thanks to your introspection and anecdotal experiences. Glad to know you✌

  3. Charlotte Pierce

    The Golden Girl theme song is playing in my head right now. Thank you for being a friend!!

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