Puppy Love

Izzy for THCountzWrites Tuesday blog.

IZZY - the object of Wiggles affection.

Puppy Love. Remember the song written by Paul Anka?

He wrote it in 1960 for Annette Funicello of Mouseketeer fame whom he had a crush on. I came to know it (by heart) in the early 70s when Donny Osmond made it a hit.

The song is about young love – first love. You remember, right? The feeling of exhilaration. Your heart pounding out of your chest. A flush creeping up your face. Eyes on the target of this amazing feeling.

Well, let me tell you. Humans are not the only creatures to feel this sensation. Our Wiggles has met his first love, y’all. Her name is Izzy.

She came to visit the past few days with her mom, my dear friend Sherry from Nashville. Izzy is an older (woman) pup. (Someone cue Simon and Garfunkel’s, “Here’s to You, Mrs. Robinson.”) Doot da doot da doot ta doot…

Wiggles took one look at this adorable Schnauzer wearing a pink coat and fell hard into the circle of love. Being a younger and inexperienced (boy) pup, he did everything wrong. Tripping over things, barking and showing her his zoomies. When that didn’t work, he tried the heart tug approach by whimpering loudly and nudging closely by her side.

When none of those things worked, he made his most fatal error – he let her know that he was one hundred percent, gob smacked in L.O.V.E.

I’d like to say that Izzy was flattered. That she realized he has a gentle heart. I’d also like to say that Izzy would have recognized this was his first time at the rodeo of love.

Sigh, sadly, no. Instead, she snapped, backed away and showed her disdain. Then, horror of horrors she IGNORED him.

I saw my baby’s little Doxie heart burst into a thousand pieces. I knew I could not save him from the experience of first love. We all must push through the deep end to reach the other side.

But friends, my sweet Wiggles refused defeat. He nestled on his blanket nearby and quietly watched Izzy sit in Sherry’s lap while we caught up.

Little by little as the evening progressed, I noticed that he would kiss (lick) her ears and the side of her sweet face. She didn’t stop him. As I would have, he took this as a good sign, so he said hello (sniffed her butt) MANY times to show how friendly he can be. Again, she did not protest.

Encouraged, he showed her his moves on the dance floor (humped the air). She watched the entire performance without patting an eye. I’d like to say that she continued to warm up even more, but I guess the long ride and fatigue prevented her from showing proper appreciation.

By the time Sherry and I shut up talking and headed to bed, Wiggles was exhausted. He hopped into bed with me and Caston and snuggled up, as is his routine. I explained to him that being in love, while grand, could be emotionally exhausting at times.

I suggested he get a good night’s rest and that Izzy would be visiting for a few days. I warned him about showing all his tricks at one time.

I told him to pace himself, not be so in-her-face. I explained that most females prefer a gentleman.

Just as we were dozing off, he scooted down to the end of the bed and laid his head on his paws, staring at the closed door. For most of the night this was where my little Doxie boy stayed. You could see hope rising from his body. This Doxie mom’s heart was so full.

It is now Monday morning as I write this, and Sherry and Izzy have left to return home to Nashville. I’d like to say that Izzy gave in and returned Wiggle’s affection, but the most she did was lie next to him on the couch or rug.

She never let him know how appreciative she was of his attention. Not even the old “It’s me, not you.” line. I am thankful that she didn’t pull out the ace of spade card – “I just want to be friends.”

As we stood on the front porch, we waved to Sherry as she drove out of the driveway. Wiggles lifted his right paw to send Izzy on her way, but she never even looked back.

I reminded him that Sherry and Izzy would visit again soon. He wagged his tail and then let me know (licked his lips) he was ready for his breakfast. He is now nestled in his blanket taking his morning nap. I bet he is dreaming of running through a dog park with Izzy by his side.

All silliness aside, I was thinking how hard waiting for something you want so badly can be. We had a great discussion in my ladies Bible class last night about that very thing. The term that was used in our lesson material was, “Worship in the Waiting.”

How many of you are waiting for something to happen or change in your life? It could be anything. A job situation, health issues, relationship issues, etc. How long have you been waiting? Have you given up?

Depending on what it is you are waiting for, you may or may not ever realize your desire, but should you stop hoping? Should we just throw up our hands and allow our hope to turn to anger or bitterness?

I would say no. Hope is the element that keeps us going. As long as hope is alive, anything can happen. Wiggles may never gain Izzy’s trust and love, but with a wag of his little tail, I know he is hopeful and anxious for Izzy to visit again soon.

If you are waiting and it seems like nothing is happening, keep hoping, friend. Now, go grab your blanket and take a nice little nap.

3 thoughts on “Puppy Love”

  1. Dear Tracey,
    I loved your article about the First Love of Wiggles! Yep, being rejected is hard, but at least he has a supportive family-ha,ha!! The Waiting Room in our lives often changes, but waiting is so very hard…….so glad Wiggles made a new friend and hopefully Izzy felt pleased to be adored:)!! Best of all was the time you had to visit with your dear friend, Sherry!! Thanks for sharing this post!!

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