Feather Time

Poetry for Monday Blog
Happy New Year 2023

Did you hear? 50 is the now the new 30, 60 is the new 40, and at 70, we're just getting started!

2023. Can you believe it? I remember thinking in the 90s how strange it would be to say 2000, but here we are plowing our way through the 2000s which means one thing – we are getting older.

No one told us about the bad knees, the growing number of medications in our medicine chest, the thinning hair on our heads or the growing hairs on our chins!  BUT, luckily, there are some perks to be had once you pass a certain age. Below are a few:

  1. Senior discounts. This varies depending on what it is.  If it is food related or movie tickets, you need to be 65. If you are 50 you get a wonderful daily email from AARP.
  2. You finally get to a point where you do not care what anyone thinks about what you wear or if you have makeup on. I have found this to be quite liberating given I grew up in a home where lipstick and pressed clothes were expected before you left the house.  I will admit to still battling with the lipstick, but the pressed clothes, not so much. 
  3. You are bolder.  Just let a young person disrespect you in line at Walmart or the drive-thru at McDonald’s – you’ll find the most amazing things will pop out of your mouth. My favorite is to ask the question, “What would your Grandmother say if she saw you _____ fill in the blank.” I find this really works well with young men more so than young women.  Give it a try!
  4. Panty hose.  Excuse me? What are those???  Do they still make them???
  5. Hair color.  Go grey, go blue, pink, whatever floats your boat.  No one cares as you are now “an old lady.”  
  6. Public Restroom Expert. You spend so much time visiting them you begin to collect a list of places that have the best public facilities. Hands down Buc-ee’s has the best anywhere.
  7. No more high heels.  Given we all have bad knees, vertigo or varicose veins, there is no need for heels anymore.  See number 4 again.
  8. If you have married children, you no longer have to fix holiday meals. They take over doing this so all you need to do is put on lipstick and that one outfit that gets ironed all year and enjoy watching everyone else run around crazy. If you do NOT have grown children, you go to the Cracker Barrel.
  9. Handicap Parking. If you ask your doctor who injects your knees or back or whatever region of the body, he/she will fill out the form for you.  No more driving around the parking lot for an hour just to get a space close enough so your knees aren’t hurting before you enter the store. If you cannot get a handicap permit, then just use grocery pick-up and avoid it all.
  10. More than anything, the older you get, the more you savor life and the things that make you happy.

All humor aside, I am grateful to still be here hitting on 60.  My wish for myself and each of you is that 2023 holds the promise of many happy times yet enjoyed. Here is to good health, more writing, and a great senior discount!

Brand new short story this Friday!

6 thoughts on “Feather Time”

  1. Love it! Yes, they still sell pantyhose.. had to by Mom some a few weeks ago. Lol
    Another thing about getting older you realize good friends are a blessing and I’m so thankful for you!

  2. Susan Hudson McBride

    Getting older means incorporating a sense of humor in just about everything. How else do we not become curmudgeonly? When a kid offers a senior discount without asking for my ID, when everybody calls me ma’am, going to an exercise class starts to involve modifications to what the younger folk are doing. It’s all there. But we have the wisdom and can become free of things that we used to hold as necessary. I don’t need to be the center of attention or the boss of everything. It also means reassuring friends in a whole new way. That’s the part I most enjoy. And this wonderful blog is calling attention to all the good things.

  3. Will be hitting 80 this year !! Scary in a way, but thankful I am still here to enjoy life a bit. Wishing you a wonderful year and keep writing as I enjoy reading everything you share with those of us that doesn’t have your wonderful talent.

  4. This brought chuckles galore. Thank you and I truly appreciate the fountain of youth elixir as I am working my 31st year. Wink wink

  5. As an ole Lady and Recoverying Housewife, let me say, “Yes Sisata, you nailed it.” Granted life ain’t a damn thing I expected nor did plan, a, b, or c work out; so now I am on plan “D” doing the best I can with the hand I got and that’s okay. Some days I sing from Porggy ‘n Bess, ‘Oh, I got plenty of nothing…” and others I spend the day putzin’ and feelin’ ever-so-satisfied.
    So, by golly yes, pantyhose are as ancient to me as high button shoes. My hair and me are free to do whatever we please.
    Loving these blog posting and the unique perspective your talent offers.

  6. LOVE the poem and illustration! Getting older IS very liberating- I’d like to think I’m a better human than when I was younger ….. enjoying your writings so much!

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