Manic Monday

A bad day meme

What to do when your day goes south?

At the time I write this, it is Monday. I awoke refreshed from a good night’s rest ready to tackle Monday. I should have known better.

In making some updates to the website, I managed to delete a whole section. I do not know how I did it, but I do know that it has taken me three hours to get everything back in order, AND still no updates made.

Managing a website is hard work. The major benefit is that you control how often it is updated, and the appearance. The downsize is that you need to understand the language of how to do this. This part of the business of being a writer/artist is an area that does not come easy for me. Trust me, as I built this website, there was many tears and lots of cursing. 

At one point this morning, I was sitting here thinking about what a mess I had made, and also, how I needed to write something for today’s blog. I had NOTHING.

I whined to my loving and wise husband. He calmly responded with, “Why not just write about that…having a bad day?” Don’t you hate it when a person is always right?? Smarty Pants!

He was right though. Even on my worst day (and this is NOT it), I have it so great. I get to write and create and dream up new stories to share while I could be sitting in an office somewhere working at a job that does not fulfill my soul’s desire. This is a gift, regardless of how hard it can be at times.

So, the answer to the initial question found in the heading is this: you start by reminding yourself of all the good things you have going. Whatever inconvenience or bad thing is happening will only last for a time. Maybe even three hours. Maybe thirty minutes. It’s just a moment in time and need not define your whole day or outlook.

On that note, I will attempt once again to make some updates. If that doesn’t work, I’ll just go bake some bread!



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1 thought on “Manic Monday”

  1. Days when things perpetually go south, I’ve learned to be honest and state the obvious and be honest. It annoys me to the max, when my feelings are dismissed with some blanky-blank platitude claiming it’s gonna be alright or worse what are you fussing about, crap happens. Nobody ever told you to harness happiness so what’s with dismissing honest feelings of frustration?
    It totally depends on my mood and the logistics of the situation how I respond.

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