Living In-between

Art for Tuesday Blog - Living In-Between on THCountzWrites.

Do you ever have days when you feel stuck? Nothing is wrong, per say, but you feel disconnected. I find myself in this position as I prepare Tuesday’s blog. If I am being honest, I have no clue what to write. I know from everything I have read about being a writer, on days you have little motivation, you write anyway.


So, here I am. Disconnected, a little disappointed, questioning everything, and wondering what does it mean? If you have lived long enough, you have experienced the same types of emotions and thoughts. 


I’ve been here before. I call it ‘living in-between.’ You know where you have come from, and you can see a glimpse of the future, but you are standing still. Nothing seems to be happening, and certainly no map with directions is forthcoming. So, what do you do? Stand still? Yes.


Standing still means I am patient to see what unfolds. I am not trying to force anything, (my tendency) and I am allowing God to grow me as I wait. Let me tell you – standing still is not fun for my type of personality. My motivations come from a need to achieve and perform. Experience has taught me that the times I decided I did not need to stand still, things went horribly wrong. Let’s not go back to Egypt; instead let’s sit in the hot, dry dessert a while longer until it’s time to move toward the Promised Land.


I do not even know where the ‘Promised Land’ is, only that I want to be there. We all have something that we desire for our lives. For me, it may be a best-selling writer. For you, it may be a healthy romantic relationship, or your own business. The ‘what’ is not as important as the ‘how.’  How do we get there? 


Again, I look to my old friend, experience. Experience has taught me that it is in stillness that God meets us. The quietness signals our soul that we are open, listening, and watching. Our heart rate drops, our breathing deepens, and we are grateful for this present moment. Perhaps there are some growing pains that need to occur, or opportunities that will arise. I know that if I just stay the course and stand still, guidance will come. It has before, and it will again.


Our lives are built for instant results. Push a button and voila! It is no wonder that we get into a mindset of “I want it now.” There is no button for this. Only being quiet and open, watchful, and waiting, and yes, standing still.

"When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending." ~ Brene Brown

5 thoughts on “Living In-between”

    1. Thank you for believing in me, and supporting all my crazy ideas from WAAYYYY back!

  1. You always have something meaningful to say. Even today when you didn’t think you had it in you.
    Love you.

  2. Your ‘morning pages’ shared in today’s blog reveled very eloquently that your soul desires a rest. Cliches abound on the unappreciated value of doing nothing. Kaleidescope Time! 🎶Summer time when the living is easy …🎶

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