The Summer of Grease

The Summer of Grease art for SOTW on THCountzWriters

"She looks too pure to be pink." ~ Rizzo

It was the summer of 1978 and the movie Grease hit the theaters. Molly and Nina had talked of nothing for weeks. Both had a major crush on John Travolta, and of course, both wanted to be Olivia Newton-John.


Attending movies was a new thing for Molly. Living in the country, it was easy to forget that life was happening elsewhere. Thanks to a year’s subscription to Tiger Beat, Molly was able to keep up with all the teen news. 


The magazine had mentioned the movie months before its debut. Molly knew that somehow, she and Nina had to see it. As she was prone to do, she began dropping hints at her mom. Her mom suggested that she ask Jena, her middle sister, to take them. Molly knew she would rather have a papercut than ask Jena for anything.


“But mom! Jena is so hateful! Can’t you take us? Please, mom??” Molly gave her best ‘poor little me’ look.


“Well…we’ll figure something out. Let me think about it, okay?”


That sealed it! Molly knew her mom would come through! She always did. Running up, she quickly kissed her mom on the cheek.


“Thanks, mom! You’re the best!” Molly ran to her room and immediately called Nina on her princess phone to tell her the news! They were going to see Grease!


Molly knew to wait a few days before bringing the subject back up lest she totally blew the plan. Nothing would stop a kid’s plan faster than whining and having fits. The best course of action was to remain calm, almost indifferent and allow things to unfold. Many a kid idea was shot down due to impatience. After three excruciating long days her mom called her into the kitchen.


“Yes, ma’am?” Molly answered. She immediately noticed her dad was propped up near the sink eating a brownie fresh out of the oven. Molly’s mom made the best brownies you’d ever eat!


“Would you like a brownie? They’re hot…” Katherine said smiling.


Molly rushed forward without replying. Grabbing a paper towel from the nearby stand, she gratefully received a warm brownie off the spatula Katherine was holding.


Taking a bite into the soft, ooey goodness, Molly muttered, “Ummmm.”


“Yo momma is the best cook, ain’t she, Pud?” Molly’s dad, John asked.


She was so busy eating; she just nodded her head yes.


Katherine cut her eyes at John, and he winked. “Say, uh, Pud, your momma tells me that you and Nina want to see some movie that is coming out this weekend. That right?”


This immediately got her attention. Standing up a bit taller, she replied, “Yes, sir. Grease.”


Grease? What kind of name is that?” John asked.


“It stars John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, daddy. It is set in the 50s. He wears a leather jacket and drives a hot rod.” John loved cars. She was proud of thinking so quickly to throw that into the mix, hoping to up the ante. 


John kept eating his second brownie and nodded. After what seemed like an eternity he finally said, “Well, I have an offer to discuss with you. If all goes well, I do not see why we cannot make this trip to Harrisburg to a movie. You interested?” 


Molly’s dad was a world-class salesman. People in Macon said he was the only person who would make a wheel barrel of manure attractive. She walked around and sat at their kitchen bar. Folding her hands she said, “Yes, sir. What you got?”


John hiked up his pants and rambled over to the bar and sat down next to her. Katherine had to turn her back to keep from laughing. Molly was so much like her daddy, and she thought she had a fool-proof plan to get to that movie. Katherine knew that John had experience and age on his side.


“Well, Pud, as you know the corn is about ready to come in. I suspect by Thursday I’ll spend all day in the fields with my helpers’ pulling ears.” Molly just nodded. She loved corn!! Visions of Katherine’s fried skillet corn filled her head.


“Well….I thought since you are in such a rush to see this movie, that maybe you could do a little work to help cover expenses. I figure you’ll want popcorn and coke while you watch, in addition to the admission; that’s times two, so you see, it all adds up.”


Molly spoke up, “I know, but I do have some money saved up.”


“How much?”


“A little over ten dollars.”


“Hmm…that won’t cover both you and Nina. If you have invited her, only fair you pay her way, right? Molly nodded knowing that Nina’s dad was a bit tight on money and would never give her spending money on a movie of all things.


“Well, seems to me you need to do something to supplement what you already have. What I am proposing is that you and Nina shuck a few ears of that corn to help your momma out. She will have to cut it off the cob for her skillet corn and then blanch the ears for corn on the cob. That is a long, hot job. You and Nina shucking and silking a few ears would go a long way in helping her out, plus get the money you need for the movie. Whadaya say? Deal?”


Molly sat back. She was smarter than her daddy gave her credit for. She knew that a ‘few’ meant zillions. Shucking wasn’t too bad, but the silking part took forever. Plus, it was summertime in July in Mississippi. That right there deserved a larger payout. John waited while Molly sat there considering everything. He looked over at Katherine who was working on a casserole for dinner. Finally, Molly spoke. “I’ve considered your proposal and I will accept it with one amendment.” Molly crossed her arms and looked her daddy in the eye.


He had to admit, she had some spunk. Trying not to smile, he said, “What amendment would that be?”


“Movie AND dinner at Pizza Hut after.” John sat back and whistled. Before he could enter any objections, Molly continued. “Now, you may think dinner added is a bit much, but I think you need to consider my position. 1. I know how many rows of corn you planted, because I helped. There are more than a ‘few’ ears to pull. 2. Shucking is not bad, but silking takes time. 3. It’s summertime – no explanation needed. I figure if I am going to commit me and Nina to this kind of work, the payout should be more than we originally asked for. That’s my counteroffer.” Molly sat back as she rested her case.


John looked over at Katherine who only raised her eyebrows. “Well, I think you have brought up some valid points. Me and the boys will start pulling ears Thursday and that will give you all day Friday and part of Saturday morning to get it all done. EVERY ear needs to be shucked and silked and ready for your momma before you stop. Deal?” 


“So, movie, popcorn and coke AND Pizza Hut after, right?” Molly wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding.


John nodded his head, yes and held up his right hand.


“Deal!” Molly said and they high fived. Both were quite happy with their deal. Katherine just snickered to herself. She knew what Molly and Nina were in for, but she also knew that Molly’s plan meant double the money John had to pay out. 


Friday came and there was not a cloud in the sky – or a breeze. Katherine and Molly left around 8 a.m. to pick up Nina, but it was already humid and 89 degrees. Katherine listened as Molly and Nina chattered away about the movie. They could not wait to tell all their friends at Macon Academy about it when school started in early August.


John had been working hard at getting all the corn pulled. He had hired some of the local young men to help and his old red Chevy truck was waiting in the side of the yard under a shade tree. The back tailgate was down, and the bed of the truck was piled high with ears of sweet yellow corn. 


Molly had run an extension cord from the carport near the truck. She had set up a box fan on a stool along with a radio so they could listen to music as they worked. Katherine had fixed a small cooler of sodas and water. All that was needed was Molly and Nina to get busy.


Molly was in mid-sentence when Nina let out a scream. Jumping, Molly swung around to see what had happened. Nina was not moving and pointing at the truck with a look of shock on her face.


“What’s the matter?” Molly asked.


Again, all Nina could do was point. 


“Nina, stop fooling around. What’s wrong?” Molly whined.


Finally finding her voice Nina stepped closer to Molly. “You said that it was only a FEW ears of corn. Have you taken leave of your cotton-picking-mind? Molly! There are hundreds of ears of corn, maybe even a thousand!” Nina shook her finger in front of Molly’s face.


Molly just laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, goofy! There are NOT a thousand ears…maybe a hundred.” Nina continued to gawk at Molly.


“Okay, maybe two or three…four hundred at the MOST. But Nina, listen. Isn’t it worth it to see Grease AND have a pizza at The Hut? C’mon! We can do this…we’ll have this done in no time….” Molly’s voice trailed off. She gave Nina her most pleading look.


Sighing, Nina just shook her head. “Okay! It’s my own fault for always letting you talk me into things! BUT I want the salad bar at The Hut AND extra butter on my popcorn! You hear me, Molly Elizabeth Hutcheson?” She put her hands on her hips and waited.


Rolling her eyes, Molly responded, “Of course! I’ve got this covered, trust me!” Nina learned over the years that anytime Molly said the words, ‘trust me’ you better be on guard. 


The two finally settled into working. No one had prepared either girl for the corn earworms. Many “eoowws and gross!’ were heard over the course of the long, hot July afternoon. The only breaks they took were for a quick lunch of tomato sandwiches, and bathroom. Molly was determined they would finish the whole truck by sundown. She wanted to sleep in on Saturday and figure out what outfit she was going to wear.


Katherine kept the encouragement going along with plenty of cold drinks as she loaded up pan after pan of corn for processing. It was close to 6 p.m. when they both held the last ear of corn. To say they were tired and grumpy was an understatement. It was a very different car ride back to Nina’s than the one from the morning. Instead of chatter, all was quiet. Nina barely said goodbye when they pulled up. 


Molly only picked at her food at supper and headed to her room as soon as they were through eating. Just before she left to head down the hallway to her bedroom, her dad gave her a huge hug.


“Pud, I am so proud of you! You and Nina did a fantastic job. I really hope you enjoy the movie and dinner out tomorrow night. Jena has graciously agreed to be your chauffeur for the evening.” This was where John had Molly beat. She did not realize that he also had a side deal with Jena. Every now and again, bribery was a helpful parental tool. 


Drats! As she trudged off to bed, she made a mental note to remember next time to be specific about who tagged along. Now they’d have to deal with grumpy-ass Jena. Too tired to fuss about it, Molly fell into bed and quickly was sound asleep.


After a good night’s sleep, Molly was so excited she could not stop fidgeting. She pulled out every cool outfit she owned, which was not many. She finally decided on jeans and a shirt with a ruffle around the sleeves and hem. She pulled her long hair into a ponytail and tied a scarf to match her shirt around it. Looking at herself in the mirror, she hoped she looked a little like Olivia Newton-John’s character Sandy.


Jena and Molly bickered all the way to Nina’s but called a truce once Nina hopped in the backseat. Jena knew all the cool music and played the rock station out of Harrisburg as they made the thirty-minute drive. Even though she hated driving the ‘brats’ around, at least there was pizza involved and money for two tickets to see the Eagles!


Pulling up to the Harrisburg Cinema, they noticed there was a lone line of movie goers. Thankfully, they were there in plenty of time to make sure they did not miss the start of the movie. Taking their place in line, they quickly made their way to the ticket window. 


“Three for Grease,” Jena responded when prompted. She placed the money on the counter and three tickets slid out. Handing each girl a ticket they entered the building. The smell of popping corn hung in the air. The three immediately got into the shortest line.


“If you need to go to the bathroom, now is the time. It’s rude to get up during a movie.” Jena barked at the two young girls. Both nodded and turned back to watch the popcorn spill out of the kettle.


Loaded with large popcorn with extra butter, a large coke and a bag of chocolate covered nuts, the three settled into seats right in the middle of the theater.  As they munched on the buttery popcorn, trailers began.


Molly sat up in her seat the minute the opening strands of the song “Grease” sung by Frank Valli started. It was everything she hoped the movie would be! Good looking John Travolta as Danny – go grease lightening, and lovely Olivia Newton-John as Sandy – hopelessly devoted. Molly dreamed of writing songs as good one day.  


The hour and fifty minutes flew! Even though Jena was in a hurry to leave, Molly and Nina stood and watched all the credits. Finally exiting, they were full of chatter.


“Wasn’t John Travolta the best dancer?” Nina asked.


“Oh gosh yes, but what about that black outfit Sandy wore at the end! I loved those red heels!” Molly answered in return.


Jena rolled her eyes as she worked through traffic to the Pizza Hut on Harding Street. They pulled in and the two were still chattering away as they sank into their booth. 


The only time they were quiet was when the hot pan pizza arrived. If they were honest, they were still stuffed from all the popcorn, but there was no way either girl was going to concede. They had worked hard and by George, they were eating it all!


The next day after church, Molly decided a nap was in order, she was exhausted! It took everything she had to keep her eyes open during Brother Reggie’s sermon. John asked, as she finished helping her mom clean up if the movie had been worth it.


“Oh, daddy, yes! It was worth every dadgum earworm!” John shook his head and hugged her tightly. He admired her spunk and determination.


Years later in Nashville, she had the opportunity to meet Olivia Newton-John who recorded when of Molly’s songs. It was a dream come true! During the time they worked together, Molly had the chance to share about the summer of Grease. Olivia, originally from Australia, had never heard of fried skillet corn.


“What makes it so special, Molly?” Olivia asked smiling.


Molly grinned back and replied. “Grease.”

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