Hit the Pause Button

Photo for Tuesday blog on THCountzWrites.

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...including you." ~ Anne Lamott

While the temps may not match up (yet), the arrival of fall has prompted me to hit the pause button. It has been a long and extremely hot summer, and much has been accomplished.

I am about 30-40K words from having the first draft of The Red Chair ready to review and then rip apart. Plus, I have managed to keep Tuesday blogs going and Angel’s Garden for Story of the Week. Overall, productive, I’d say.

Productivity is very important in our American culture. We all get caught in the trap of believing how much we do relate to how we look at ourselves, and certainly how we perceive what others believe about us. The fact is our productivity has zero to do with who we are. I’d argue that it is our heart and level of empathy and compassion that informs that determination.

I have been meditating on a topic for a Tuesday blog that is a complex subject. As I started to look toward actually writing for tomorrow, I realized that my thoughts were all over the place. Then I admitted, I’m tired. My mind needs a minute to regroup. Instead of thinking that I’m failing in some way, I am going to do what is the best course of action – I’m taking a fall break.

This translates into taking the month of October off so that I can finish the first draft of The Red Chair and plan for the holidays.

As always, I invite you to use the time to catch up on your reading. (You know who you are!) It is hard to believe that next month will be a year since I started THCountzWrites and writing weekly. I am excited about what the future brings about, and the stories with it. Thank you for coming along on the journey with me!

See you soon!

2 thoughts on “Hit the Pause Button”

  1. Totally respect and appreciate your prioritizing time and self. Proud ya! Having said that I’ll miss the thought provoking postings.

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