Happy Thanksgiving!

I cannot believe that it is holiday season again! 2022 has flown by so quickly. This should be the season where we slow down, count our blessings, and spend time with the people that are truly important to our lives. I think we go through the motion of doing these very things, but as an adult, I realize I spend more time rushing around, worrying about having a gift for this one and that one, and how much food I can cook to take to whatever gathering. Is the house decorated? Did I forget anything? I am exhausted from just typing!

I would like to challenge each of you, with myself included, to take a moment at some point this week and just S.T.O.P. Sit quietly with a nice warm beverage, close you eyes and then allow your brain to slow down. Sit in that quietness and visualize how fortunate and blessed you are. Think about your family and friends and the love they add to your life. Think about the goodness of God and how His grace covers everything, even that corner of the house not decorated.

Thank you for showing up to read my meager words. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share from my heart. May each of you have a wonderful week, full of gratitude, and some good eats. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if it’s a five-star turkey dinner, or a turkey sandwich, it’s the people you surround yourself with that count.

Stop. Be grateful. Amen.

4 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!”

  1. On my first professional job, during Superivision I was told to scheduling time for mindfulness and for self-fun was as necessary as all the othe have-too’s on my list. (I am a list maker) I looked at her and thought, “Oh sweet Jesus, help me pretend to listen, accept and not act like she must’ve lost her mind.” Well, believe you me, I’ve learned the hard way the importance of ‘me time’, Artist Dates and have mastered the art of KIS.

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