Weird Days of Summer

Photo for Tuesday Blog on THCountzWrites.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Weird Days of Summer.


Have you had days that you wanted to get back in bed and pull the covers up over your head? I suspect we all have. 


I had a moment last week where that is precisely what I wanted to do. It started when my phone went off with alerts from my bank asking me to verify charges on my personal debit card. By the time I was able to contact the bank, someone had drained my account with purchases on things like Netflix, shoes and clothes. The bank verified the charges were made outside of the United States, as there were international fees.


After spending most of my morning dealing with that, I moved on to the laundry. All was well until I realized the dryer was not heating. Thankfully, I had only washed one load, so I was not left with multiple loads of wet clothes.


Next, the landlord stopped by to check out a leak on the AC. He fiddled around, cleaned some things and thought it was taken care of. Uh, well no. Still leaking. The only good thing about this is that it is still cooling beautifully and okay to run while we wait for the AC people to show up.


Given our heat index was as high as 115 degrees yesterday, this was good news for sure. So what if we must empty a bucket of water every few hours.


By Sunday, the bank had been refunded all monies to my account bank, the dryer repairman will be here bright and early tomorrow morning, and the AC people as soon as possible. (Summertime in Mississippi is ALWAYS a busy time for AC people. Job security.)


Moreover, I had odd dreams every single night last night. Just crazy, bizarre dreams. Maybe it was because I was stressing about all the things, or perhaps my consumption of more cheese than I needed had something to do with it. Add in friends and family dealing with tough life issues and well…. as Leanne Morgan likes to say, I wanted to take to the bed.


Granted, none of these things are life threatening. Everything will be taken care of, and life will move forward, but when you are in the moment, you feel as though you have been singled out by the universe as target practice.


So, the inconveniences of life are going to occur. They can be weird, scary, and never with good timing. What are we going to do? Take to the bed? Feel sorry for ourselves? Cry? Curse? Complain to anyone who will listen? Get angry?


Sometimes we need a good cry or  a good hissy fit to release some of our stress and frustration, but here’s the thing. We cannot stay there. Eventually, we must put on our big girl panties and deal.


Besides, everything is okay. Even if we are dealing with life threatening situations. The reason being is because love walks with us. We have a built-in guide of hope. Hope will never let us give up, and even if we try, love is there to catch us.


So, there you go. Life is weird, summer is hot, but love is with us, and we always have hope.


 In the meantime, I am not stressing about the laundry piling up as I wait for the repairman. I may even have a piece of smoked gouda while I wait. 

2 thoughts on “Weird Days of Summer”

  1. Yes my friend, it seems life is like a bargello* pillow, yet experience and being wired with love as you said, we know to exhale, inhale and deal.

    *needlepoint design: ripple of colors going up ‘n down.

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