We Are the Light Keepers

Art by Moon Diva Art for THCountzWrites Tuesday blog.

"The place where light and dark begin to touch is where miracles arise." ~ Robert A. Johnson

We Are the Light Keepers.

I hate sharing this revelation about myself, but I am an emotional writer and artist. My creativity thrives (or doesn’t) on my current state of mind.

It’s a beautiful bonus when I can channel my energies into a project and watch something unexpected emerge from my efforts. It is not surprising that my best writing and art is created during the dark nights of my soul.

Today, my heart is heavy, and, in this instance, I am struggling to find anything positive to say. I have never wanted my blog to be a platform used for negativity. Hopefully, I accomplish that.

But let’s be honest. Sometimes, we ARE feeling negative. We all have things in our lives that are difficult and painful. Occasionally we need to vent and to have a safe place to unburden our hearts.

I am blest with a beautiful circle of fierce women friends that provide me that haven of safety. Last week we cried together, shared our concerns through texts, phone calls and lunch. As we struggle to understand why we see things vastly different than others, this one thought kept rolling through my mind. 

We are the light keepers.

Remember this song from Sunday School?

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,

Let it shine, let is shine, let it shine!

Light and dark exist together. Before there was light, there was a dark void. Love called into existence light to illuminate the dark so that the beauty of the world was visible. The Creator did this before humanity inhabited the earth. Ever thought about that?

I cannot change much on my own. What I can do is be a light to strangers I encounter, my family, my friends. For those marginalized by our government and churches, I will lend a hand and be a voice of love. I am not a democrat, republican, or a certain denomination. I am a follower of Christ. If my actions do not reflect Christ, it really does not matter what label I associate with myself. 

Today and every day, I pray that my actions and words reflect the light that is from Christ. It does not matter if you and I disagree over an election, I still love you. I am still here for you. Perhaps we need to shelve any conversations on issues that we disagree with, yes?

There is so much more to gain while we are here. There are books waiting to read, good food to share, music to enjoy, flowers, animals and nature and most of all, love. 

Take heart dears ones who feel afraid and anxious. All is well. We are the light keepers. Shine your light so that one day we will all stand in unity fully present with love.

We are the light keepers.

6 thoughts on “We Are the Light Keepers”

  1. You are spot on Tracey! We are the keepers of light. We are the ones that will shine and affect others in many different ways. Our little lights will indeed make greater light to push away the darkness that exists!
    I am so thankful for your light, as it makes me continue to strive to improve!
    Love you,

  2. Yes! We are Paul & Silas! We are Ruth & Naomi! Your blog and your fearsome willingness to express yourself on a public forum is a generous gift to us readers. Being positive does not sugarcoat poop. So, we’ll elect to be Stewarts of Nice, so that the darkness doesn’t win.

  3. This expresses exactly what I have felt! We can control absolutely nothing on a national or international level, and very little on a local level. I am reminded of two things:
    No government can tell God what to do.
    We can have far reaching effects spreading our light and if ever the world needed the light of Christ, it’s now!

  4. This expresses exactly what I have felt! We can control absolutely nothing on a national or international level, and very little on a local level. I am reminded of two things:
    No government can tell God what to do.
    We can have far reaching effects spreading our light and if ever the world needed the light of Christ, it’s now!

  5. This should be the goal of everyone… To be an example of the love of God….. Love should be what drives us.
    There will always be differences among people such as our political goals, how we are governed and how our tax dollars are spent. It’s sad that this is the cause of so much upset and turmoil.
    Personally, I believe that no subject should have to be avoided with my best friend. NONE. Two adults who are close friends ought to be able to discuss and debate anything without any sort of problem. If I have to remember subjects and topics that I’m not free to bring up, especially with my best friend, what does that really say about who we are and the bonds of our friendship? Why can’t people simply agree to disagree and move on?
    We are adults… Tolerance and an understanding that people have differences in opinions and beliefs should be fundamental to any relationship.

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