The Church Has Failed Us

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"Jesus declared that we should have one distinguishing mark; not political correctness or moral superiority, but love." ~ Philip Yancey

The Church Has Failed Us.

Yep, you read that correctly. My heart has been heavy for many moons watching things unfold in our beautiful country. Burdened enough to bear my heart here, publicly, risking criticism. 

Bottom line is this – the “church” has failed us. I am not referring to a particular denomination, but the church as a collective. (All Protestant denominations.)

In the Episcopal and Catholic Church, the Nicene Creed is recited every Sunday. In the Methodist church the Apostle’s Creed is recited. Both creeds speak of one holy catholic church. Little ‘c’ catholic, meaning a single, global church based on Christ Jesus.

The ‘church’ who claims to represent Christ Jesus has failed miserably. Our greatest commandments shared in the Gospel’s of Matthew, Mark and Luke all say the same thing:

* Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul and mind.

*Love your neighbor as yourself.

Simple commands but obviously difficult for us to perform properly when the other messages we hear are in total opposition. No wonder we are in the state we find ourselves.

When the English came to America and organized the 13 colonies, they came for the sole goal of freedom. Freedom from what? They wanted freedom from the Crown to worship as they felt led.

Therefore, using the Magna Carta as a guide, they wrote the Constitution of the United States. It speaks of keeping church and state separate.

Why was that a good idea? What was it that the first settlers already knew about church and state? What were they trying to achieve in a brand-new land? Why was it an important enough topic to include in their newly forming constitution? Apparently, it was the biggest motivating factor in leaving their homeland and traveling across the ocean to an unknown land. Seems pretty important, right?

While the Bible itself does not state the actual idea, you perhaps see a glimmer of what Jesus may have thought about the idea in Matthew 22:17-22. The Pharisees plotted to trap Jesus to bring him into conflict with sectarian rules. If Jesus approved paying taxes he would offend the nationalistic parties; if he disapproved payment he could be reported as disloyal to the empire.

Jesus, knowing they were setting a trap asked them to show him a coin and then asked whose picture was on the coin. Caesar’s. He then stated, “Give to the emperor what is the emperor’s and to God the things that are God’s. 

Some will argue this may not point to separation of state and church, but I feel it does. I believe what Jesus was suggesting is that the two work together but are separate from one another.

Obviously, we need to pay our taxes and follow the laws set forth for our protection and good. Yet at the same time, if the ‘church’ is showing us the path of love, our government should reflect that, right?

Then why are we in such a mess? 

 I believe it is because the day we, as a collective church, started allowing our politics to control our church view was the day the domino was pushed.

Politicians are sneaky. They congregate and plot how to get the most people behind their agenda, and what words and phrases they can use. It’s a standard procedure in the business world. “You need this (insert the blank) to have (insert the blank.) It may or may not be true. What is the motivation behind the statement? What are they hoping to get from you and I if we decide on accepting/purchasing/using their brand? 

Back in 1980, there began a practice to focus on the religious groups in our country by politicians. Their speeches began to take a turn toward “family values” and the church. Politicians learn how to be great “face-people.” They know how to be charming, convincing. 

Realizing a great opportunity, the politicians began throwing around these various phrases. Thus, religious people began to pay attention. They wanted to know more. Who doesn’t want good, solid family values?  This was when the lasso was thrown, and the great union of politics and church began to court one another.

It wasn’t long before the real issues of our country were traded for the issues in the church’s mind. Why? Because the politicians want our votes. It doesn’t even matter if they agree, their modus operandi is securing your support.

So, they take the lead from the church on hot topic issues. Things like abortion, and what marriage is supposed to look like. In my mind, these are church issues, not governmental issues. Governing issues are healthcare, education, equality, and taking care of our military, helping others. Very slowly our politics began to look like a play for morality instead of the betterment of the country. 

It is not the government’s role to inform our morality, folks. My morality should come from a place of love based on the teaching of Christ’s. In other words, our government should reflect our morality, not the other way around.

And let me be clear…morality doesn’t mean that we agree on all views. It simply means our views are derived by what we believe in Christ Jesus. And given we are human; our interpretations can be all over the place based on the same principles.

Let’s take the continued hot button topic of abortion. One person can fully believe it is wrong based on Christ’s teachings. No abortion. Period. End of discussion. Then, another person may agree it is not the right option either but feels it should not be a governmental decision. Give to God what is God’s, and to the emperor what is the emperor’s.

Let me ask you. WHEN have you seen Christ in action in our political arena towards one another. We have two major parties in our country, and for the life I me, I am still waiting to see Christ-like behavior between the two. I do not mean empty words and promises. I mean love in action.

But the fault lies with the church, NOT our political system. The minute the church bought into the deception of the political system, who will tell you whatever serves them best, the door opened for a stronghold of hatred. 

It starts with greed, and a hunger for power and the over-arching need to be RIGHT. Who gets to decide that? What is right for me, may not be right for you. Why do we have to be right all the time anyway? Do we have no creativity or imagination left to think, “hey, maybe I am wrong about this, or maybe I need to dig deeper. Is this information true? Is this something that really effects my life or civil rights? Does it hinder someone else’s civil rights?”

I know families that are not speaking to one another because they do not agree on which political party they vote for. Is there so little love between you that you cannot agree to disagree? If that is the case, you have bigger issues than a political party.

Then add in all the other stuff – hate crimes against this group or that. Neo-Nazi minded groups marching the streets of our cities. Children that are afraid to go to school because they fear a shooter will enter their school. Teachers are required to carry a gun. Seniors must choose between eating or their medication. Veterans are suffering from mental health problems due to the time they served protecting our country. Old rich men and yes, women, keep getting richer and the poor just need to suck it up and work harder.

PEOPLE, is that Christ-like? You know the answer to that question.

Statistics show from 2003-2006 there was a decline of 42% in people leaving the church. Think about that. People who were attending on a regular basis stopped going. Why? I think it is because they no longer recognized the message as that of Christ’s and made the choice to leave.

I personally left a denomination in 2003 because it no longer embodied what I believe to the central teaching of Christ. Granted, I found a new place to worship but many today are finding it harder and harder. And what about those who have been shunned and told they are not acceptable in God’s eyes? The very ones that need Christ’s love the most, and we have told them they must be excluded. Jesus never excluded anyone from coming to Him. The popular, “Hate the sin, love the sinner” bit falls short here. What that person hears is that you cannot accept them as they are. That is not loving, folks. And who calls you to be the judge? Jesus was pretty clear about that topic too. 

CHURCH, I beg of you. Remind our congregations that we serve Jesus Christ first and then we abide by the laws of our land second. If we are not acting in the spirit of love, it is not Christ! Our country should reflect the heart of Christ. Not the heart of “I’m right and you are wrong.”

CHURCH, if we say we are against abortion, then motivate our citizens to demand adjustments to the gun laws in our country. Support the children who ARE born, in their schools and now churches too. Support the ones born to not only privilege but also poor circumstances. Preach that it is our roll in Christ to help them, not judge their parents. LOVE the parents! LOVE THE LBGTs. LOVE the immigrants. LOVE the prisoners. LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

CHURCH, remind us that if our candidates across all governing bodies do not conduct themselves in a loving manner, full of compassion with a burning integrity for the betterment of ALL people, THEY WILL NOT GET OUR VOTE. 

CHURCH, preach Christ instead of a political agenda because you want more money to run your particular denomination. Stop Tik Tokking your way to popularity!


How wonderful would it be to have so many candidates that embody the commandments of Christ that we have a hard time deciding. 

Maybe I wear rose-colored glasses, but all I am suggesting is the message of Jesus’ whole purpose and life. Am I foolish to believe we really should live by them? 

CHURCH, you’ve failed, but thanks to the love and grace of Christ Jesus, you can change it.

CHURCH, please. Amen.


6 thoughts on “The Church Has Failed Us”

  1. You have so eloquently expressed my recent concerns and heartaches! May God hear your words as a prayer and convict all of us to be what he intended – Christlike!!!!

  2. Well my Friend, you have eloquently organized thoughts and feeling into words that pointedly express the distress of a nation struggling to mature into the fulfillment of their Declaration of Independence. More than bravo to you, thanks you for Crystal using the cause of angst among us as we do the Earthwalk.

  3. In your typical brilliant way.. you have put into words what is weighing heavy on our hearts and constantly on our minds.
    That I can come here and find peace and comfort in your words is a blessing. The wisdom, truth and understanding you impart are the cure for a nation of broken hearts and spirits.

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