Life is Weaving Threads Together

Photo for Tuesday Blog with THCountzWrites

"In the quilt of life, friends are the stitches that hold it together." ~ Author Unknown

Life is weaving threads together.

I spent last week in Louisiana with one of my two childhood best friends. Due to life and circumstance, this was the first time as an adult that I spent time in her home. We have known one another since fourth grade; how can that be?

Life. For many years she lived all over the place while I was firmly in Nashville. She had children, I had pursuits, and life quickly slipped by, as it tends to do.

This made me think about the many friends and connections I have made in my 58 (almost 59) years. I visualize a very large, beautiful tapestry with stitches woven many years ago that are still taunt. Yet, I can see brand new stitches that are still in the making.

Like my new friend and client, Angela. She lives in the same area, so we met for dinner one night. I had the pleasure of meeting her mother and stepdad who were visiting from San Diego. It is like I have always known her family. Her mother told me how much I mean to Angela, and I was able to tell her how much Angela means to me. I know that I will see her parents again in the future. New friendships were born that evening.

New stitches against the older stitches. Our lives are woven together designed by the Creator.

People come and go in our lives; they leave a stitch. Granted, some stitches are not perfect and may need to be ripped out and re-sown, but each person that touches your life leaves a stitch behind as a reminder, “Hey, I was here.”

Some people, like my husband, need very few friends. Others collect friends. I would say that I am somewhere in the middle. I seek out friendships that have depth. The energy for superficial friends waned long ago. I want lasting stitches.

Gratefully, I am blessed with an abundance of permanent stitches regarding my friends. These beautiful, strong, amazing women make my life grand. I thank every one of them for loving me.

Make those connections, and then cherish and nurture them. Watch your tapestry come together, stitch by stitch.

5 thoughts on “Life is Weaving Threads Together”

  1. This posting hit home on the value of friends plus the ebb & flow of life changes. So, yes, my Friend in the tapestry of life, even the black thread serves to highlight the colors. Thanks✌

  2. what a gorgeous way to describe this intricate “gumbo” of life, but in stitches!! It has been such an honor to be added into the hoop of embroidery stitches that make up our intertwining lives! Love you!!

  3. I’m thankful for our friendship. You have touched so many lives throughout your life. You are a blessing to so many. YOU are AMAZING!! I love you!

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