What’s Going On!

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"The best way to predict your future is to create it." ~ Abraham Lincoln

What’s Going On!

It has been a while since I shared what is happening in my world creatively or otherwise. I thought I would take today’s blog to do a little of that.

As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I had the honor of talking about creativity with the lovely ladies of Chapel of the Cross Methodist Church here in my hometown.

That jumped started a whole bunch of new ideas. I find this is the case so many times. When we step out and join in creative activities, new inspiration always seems to follow.

One big take-away is that I plan on writing my own guide focused on finding your creative voice. We are creative beings, made by the master Creator. It occurred to me that this topic would provide an interesting viewpoint for a Bible study. Using the characters and stories from the ancient text, I will attempt to draw out how God uses our creativity in mighty ways. This is not a project that will happen overnight, but I have placed it on my vision board.

Work on The Red Chair is in full action, again. After much contemplation, I made the decision to eliminate one of the main characters. I will not go into why, but removing that character opened the story in new ways. It feels like the right decision. 

Author and teacher, Angela Porter and I have begun work on her second book in a series based on Louisiana culture. We are both extremely excited about the plans we have made thus far. I have been back at my drawing board developing the characters. Stay tuned for more news on The Cajun Gingerbread Girl. 

NOTE: if you need some stocking stuffers, be sure to visit Amazon to purchase a copy of our first book, The Three Little Catfish, and my two books, Amelia’s Dash and Father Iggy & Miss Sippy. Click the buttons below to purchase your stocking stuffers.

A family member has commissioned me to make three large art collage pieces. I enjoy collage art to the fullest. I will share photos as I go.

Remember Moon Diva Art? Will, I am in the process of putting together a new website. I really miss making art, and while I love writing, art is still very much part of my passion. Stay tuned for more news on that!

This week I will be traveling down to Slidell to spend a few days with one of my two childhood best friends. I fully expect to eat great food and plunder the craziness that is Louisiana. While I am there, we will be sharing a meal with Angela Porter. So, both pleasure and work meet up!

Caston and I celebrated our seventeenth wedding anniversary on Sunday. Seventeen years is not long enough, and I’ve put out a message to God that we need at least another 17+. We enjoyed a fun time together over the weekend doing the things we love most. Food, pastries, coffee, music, and books were involved. 

So, there you go. A little of what’s going on. I am grateful for each day of this life, and how I am surrounded by love. Thank you, readers for taking the time to read my blogs and short stories. Thank you to those who have purchased books, cards, etc. For my Patreon Patrons, thank you for your monthly support and continued belief in me.

Are you fulfilled in your life? If not, what are you doing about it? My life changed in ways beyond comprehension when I made the decision to live a deliberate creative life. 

What are you waiting for? 

3 thoughts on “What’s Going On!”

  1. Susan Hudson McBride

    What I appreciate about your approach to work and life is the ongoing presence of vibrant creativity within a sea of calm. You and Caston have your combined and separate interests and a mutual love that allows for healthy give and take.

    Slidell, Louisiana, look out! And heat be gone! Send in cool breezes.

  2. I love this! And I’ve always wanted to be more creative but can’t find the whatever to do that. I always thought people either had it or they didn’t. Maybe I am wrong. Love you and hope you have a wonderful time!

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