Something To Ponder

Moon Diva Art for Tuesday Blog with THCountzWrites

"There is no wealth like knowledge, and no poverty like ignorance." ~ Buddha

Something to ponder.


Life has been very busy this summer. I have not had my normal time to ponder on things I’d like to share from a blog standpoint. My goal is always to share something positive or at least give you something to take away and chew on.


This past week a dear friend made a statement about a specific topic, but what she said has stuck with me. I have paraphrased it below and added a question for you to take with you this week.


Here it is:


* An opinion is based on what you think and/or believe; knowledge is based on proven facts.


Do you operate your life from a place of opinions or from a place of knowledge?


Can the two be inclusive? Sure, but do we actually operate that way as a rule? 


Something to ponder.

2 thoughts on “Something To Ponder”

  1. Opinions are like you know…Everybody has one. I’m sure in most people’s mind their opinion is the right one. It’s hard to admit when you are wrong sometimes. I like to think I can consider others’ opinions even if I don’t agree. Again, hard to do sometimes. We all like to think we are right if you think about it.

    King Solomon wrote a lot about wisdom/knowledge in the Bible. Proverbs 2 is great advice for us as Christians.
    Some other verses I think about:
    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
    If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

    Sometimes you really have to dig deep to find knowledge or truth about anything really. Social media, the news all over the world is sometimes just opinions. The truth is sometimes not newsworthy. Gosh, I’m just running away with my thoughts, Tracey.
    Love you and all of your blogs and thoughts!

  2. As I see it discernment takes effort to gather information, fact check it in order to establish an opinion. So, I would postulate that knowledge and opinion may merge into one. If one desires to.

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