Dog is God Spelled Backwards

Art by Susan Alison for Tuesday Blog with THCountzWrites
Art Courtesy Susan Alison

"A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself." ~ Josh Billings

“Dog is God spelled backwards.”

Have you ever noticed that? This past week was very sad and difficult, and I thought about this quote several times. I do not know the author, but I first saw it on a church sign in East Nashville years ago. It never left me.

I cannot remember a time in my life that did not include a pet; either a cat or a dog and at times, both. Growing up in the rural south, I guess it was a given that animals would be part of our scenery.

As hard as it is to comprehend, there are people who do not like animals, and especially animals indoors. It wasn’t until my daddy died that we ever had an animal indoors. He was a typical farmer that thought animals were best left to the outdoors.

Two days before he died, he surprised me with a very tiny chihuahua-mix puppy who we named Chip. In fact, Chip was so tiny that he was in bed with me two nights later when my daddy died of a sudden heart attack. 

After that, Chip was an inside dog and had every comfort us humans enjoyed, including a weekly bath in the tub. He was such a comfort to us all, and perhaps the first time I recognized that animals are divine creatures.

Two of my family members had surgery within 48-hours of one another last week, one being my sister. The day before her surgery, her beloved pup, Cashew crossed the rainbow bridge. It was sudden and left us stunned and grieving. 

Cashew stayed with us whenever my sister had to travel. He loved his Uncle Cas and was a sweetheart. He and Wiggles played with one another and jostled for attention. He only liked to eat chicken (chick-a-bird) and was explicit about his schedule. My sister adopted him from a rescue in Corpus Christi, TX, while on a nursing assignment several years ago. 

During his time with her, he got to travel the U.S. in an RV and made friends with other dogs wherever they went. For the past five and half years, he lived in Sacramento. He was happy to be at their new home back in Mississippi next door to cousin Daisy, my aunt’s dog. At his new home, he had his own fenced in yard, but he preferred trailing along behind Daisy and a neighbor dog, Bob.

We have shed many tears and miss him terribly. He was a companion and friend for my sister, being miles away from home and family. RIP dear Cashew. Thank you for loving my sister and bringing her so much joy.

The very next day, a dear friend recognized that her elderly dog, Weegee was having a stroke during the night. She took him out into the backyard where he stayed until friends came and helped her get him to the vet. I couldn’t help but wonder if Cashew was there to show him the way over.

Weegee was a Louisiana pup and had moved to Mississippi a couple of years ago. Like Cashew, he too was a rescue. He lived with my friend for thirteen years, and even though he was a large pup (85 to 90 lbs.), he was a gentle giant. I had the pleasure of spending a little time with him. Calm was the word I would use to describe his spirit. Calm and gentle. RIP in sweet Weegee. Thank you for being with my dear friend through some very rough waters.

Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending a tea with one of my lifelong best friends. The speaker was a local artist, and she shared her personal story. Several years ago, she began to commune with nature to grow deeper in her spiritual walk and creativity. As she did that, the animals and birds began to come to her. 

She shared what I already knew – animals are amazing and will show you the path to love. I scoff when someone indicates that animals are soulless and bothersome. I had a sibling that did not like animals – so unlike the rest of our family. I felt it was because she had a hard time receiving love. 

I love cats, but they have their own agenda. Dogs, however, are nothing but channels of love. In a dog you will see a true representation of unconditional love. Dogs live in the moment. It doesn’t matter how ugly you treat them, within a minute they will wag their tail and come back to you. 

As the speaker shared her journey with animals, I was reminded once again that nature and animals mimic the divine. I believe it is why we have an internal desire to be in nature, or at least around it. 

Our world is so full of the opposite of love. It would benefit us to put our phones down and go outside (preferably in the shade) and listen to the rustle of the trees, and the songs of the birds. Maybe take a short walk, preferably with a dog.

“Dog is God spelled backwards.” Yes indeed.

Cashew and Weegee for Tuesday Blog with THCountzWrites

Cashew and Weegee

7 thoughts on “Dog is God Spelled Backwards”

  1. Please forgive in advance the length of this comment and the slightly graphic nature of the story.
    Early in my career in mental health, I encountered a sweet 18 year old man whose story touched me in a way that I will never forget. I worked on a psychiatric intensive care unit. He was brought in by police for admission to our unit. He’d been found in the street in a nearby town, naked, eating dog poo. I had the privilege of completing his intake and it was truly a privilege. I had no idea what I was about to hear.
    When he told his story, I was overwhelmed by his gentle nature. He was a typical high school senior. He played the trombone in the band.
    After talking with him enough to see that he was relaxed and comfortable with questions, I started in on what I thought would be the difficult questions. He was unphased by my probing interrogation. “Why were you naked?” I asked. He replied, “It’s the best way to be close to God”. I didn’t have to ask the really hard question. His next statement was “I was eating dog poo to be close to God as well”. I asked him to explain. He replied, “Dog is God spelled backwards so something that comes from the back of dog must be coming from the face of God.” This young man had schizophrenia. But in the midst of his first psychotic break, he only thought of finding a way to be closer to God.
    I have thought of that young man often. I never saw him again but I will always be moved by his story. I pray that he is okay today and that he found his way to being closer to God.

    1. Working in the mental health field we often experience phenomenal spirit by those who are challenged in their Wellness capacity. I appreciate your sharing of a very unique encounter with another Earth wall person.

  2. I always thought my dogs I’ve had over the years understood what I was saying to them. Pets are a blessing for sure. Keeping Jill and Aunt Linda in my prayers. Love you!

  3. Clarissa Porche

    I have had the honor of finding love of the very special canine kind with Wiggles Countz. He is unlike any dog I’ve ever spent time with. I’m not sure he knows he is a dog. He is more than smart..he just gets it.
    He adores me which filled my heart with doggie love.
    Wiggles knows his daily routine and expects his humans to stick to it. He can hear the rattle of a package being opened from 2 blocks away! He has mastered the art of facial expressions. All of them. It is amazing to see him give side glances when he is being argued with!!!
    So today…I tip my hat and pledge my heart to Wiggles Countz. You are more than a pet. You are the center of our human world. I’m honored that you included me !!

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