In a Flash of Light

Lighting photo for Tuesday Blog on THCountzWrites.

"Lightning makes no sound until it strikes." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

In a flash of light. Everything can change instantly. I was reminded of this fact early this morning when a severe storm moved through our area.

My husband has the day off for Juneteenth. We decided to sleep in and had not been up long. On a normal workday, he would already be in his office prepping for his day ahead. Thankfully this morning, he was on the couch with Wiggles enjoying a cup of coffee.

I had just poured my own cup when the alarm went off on both of our cell phones. It was raining heavily, and we knew that a storm was moving through. At almost the same time, we both saw a flash of light and heard a huge pop. Caston told me to grab Wiggles and Spartacus and get in our interior bathroom. Flashes of December 2014 started playing over and over in my head. This was when a tornado hit our neighborhood and did major damage to homes, trees, and power lines.

I could see from my cell that the storm was right over our area, and it was moving quickly. Within about five minutes, Caston told me that it was safe to come out. We gave one another a hug and tried to get our bearings.
He discovered that lighting had hit the irrigation box in the garage. In fact, it had blown the cover off completely and it had hit the back door leading into our pantry. While we were discussing this, I heard a hissing sound coming from Caston’s office. Water was coming out of a box leading to the water heater.

Flash forward and right now we have the water turned off and the repairman getting the part to fix things. WHAT A CLOSE CALL!

For starters, I am thanking the Lord and angels for protecting us and keeping us all safe. Secondly, I am very aware how things can change in an instant.

Last Tuesday, we had to say goodbye to our sweet pup, Lulu. She was fifteen and ready to go. We were not – are you ever? In a flash, our sweet girl was resting in peace.

Folks, life goes by like a flash. Things can change in a flash. What IF that flash happens in your life today? What is truly important? The citizens of our country spend far too much time grumbling and complaining to one another. Some are even violent; the divide continues to widen. At the end of the day does any of that matter? NO. What matters is that you make the most of each day with the people you love and share that love with the world. Stop worrying about what other people think, believe, who they love, what political party they support, what color of their skin, on and on. Start focusing on your present moment with those you love.

Trust me, after this morning, I’m going to make sure I make the most of this day with my sweet, loving husband, pup, and cat. What I will not be doing is worrying about what someone on social media or the news is complaining about.

Remember, we could all be gone in a flash of light.

Lulu Hudson Countz

4 thoughts on “In a Flash of Light”

  1. Once again these storms bring us to realize the importance of being thankful!! I am thankful that all of you survived this flash of lightening and can continue to be safe. These moments always make us pause and reassess what is truly important, Tracey!! Thank you for sharing and may our Lord continue to show us the folly of our humans flaws… a life of PEACE is what I also seek! XO, Pam

  2. So very thankful that you both are okay and that Cas wasn’t in his office !! Things probably would have been much worse !! Pray this does inspire people to be more loving and caring to all as you never know when that flash of light could be the end for a loved one or yourself. Our love and hugs today and everyday !!

  3. Yes, in a nano second things can change and we cannot do ” Back to the Future”. Glad that all is okay with you & Gas and that you two have an authentic loving marriage.

  4. I’m so glad y’all are ok! This weather has been crazy lately. It seems like we don’t have the typical spring pop up tornadoes anymore. It’s off and on all through the year! Love ya’ll!

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